It comes down to the basics.

The reason so many struggle with riding comes down to basics. A lot of riders either don't know the basics, become to confident and fail to apply them or learn from people who can't put themselves in a beginners shoes and are trying to teach them at a level they're not ready for. We did an article awhile back stating that you can't learn how to ride on Youtube. That article was written to discourage people from trying to learn from videos without first learning the basic knowledge you need to ride. You shouldn't get caught up in entertaining videos that are telling you things that you're not capable of doing yet. This isn't to say some videos aren't good, we've seen plenty of excellent training videos and some are available to watch in our video library, what we're saying is if you are having difficulty passing a basic knowledge test then what you're probably watching will cause you more harm than good. We have three courses available Oct 1, 2021 that are designed to help you pass your permit knowledge test and test your on the road knowledge. The cost of the course is much cheaper than the cost of an accident.
You see having a motorcycle permit or license doesn't make you an expert driver, it merely means you can legally operate a motorcycle on the roadway. Some people are taught by family and friends to ride because they feel comfortable with them and trust them because they have been riding for awhile. This does not mean you can skip the basic knowledge tests. Your family or friends may have bad habits ingrained in them that they will pass down to you, that's why you need to learn basic knowledge and skills first so you know the good info from the bad when you hear or see it.
This also goes back to another article we wrote about habits, the bad kind. The last thing you want to do is instill a bad riding habit into your brain. That's why it's important to start out with good habits and it will become second nature to perform them. Bad habits are fine until they're not. This is the problem with learning from some of these seasoned riders first without first doing your knowledge testing. Some seasoned riders have a very hard time putting themselves in the shoes of a beginner. That seasoned rider could also have a bad habit that just hasn't caught up to them yet and now they're passing it on to you. You may not be so lucky.
In closing you need to learn the basics and be very familiar with them so you can spot bad habits and not repeat them and learn at the level of riding that you're at, don't try to repeat things you saw on a video of a super moto rider.