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Reckless on our roads.

Writer: NMRNMR

This is going to be a hard fact to swallow considering all the trash talk you hear of people talking about how careless motorist, aka cagers, are on our roads. But guess what? There are some motorcyclists who are just as bad if not worse than anyone could ever be in a car. Most people who ride a motorcycle also drive a car and unless you're turning a blind eye you can't miss the reckless motorcycle riders on our roads.

Reckless is bad enough, but let's throw in other factors that contribute to the reckless driving. DUI, speeding, poor road conditions, traveling too fast for road conditions, running stop lights and stop signs, tailgating, no or poor lights on your motorcycle, poor judgement when passing or turning in front of cars, etc. The list goes on and on.

One night while on the highway I came across four small dirt bikes traveling in front of me. I drive a truck so seeing small dirt bikes with no lights in an area of the highway with no lighting can be difficult until you come up on them. None of these kids looked past the age of sixteen and none of the motorcycles were even capable of maintaining the speed limit. To add insult to injury none of them had on protective gear. I mention this because as a parent you could potentially face criminal prosecution if you were found negligent in your acts involving a minor. If you buy your underage child a motorcycle for off road it is your responsibility to secure it when they are not using it offroad.

There's plenty of blame to go around but each of us need to do our part not to contribute to it. At the end of the day we all want the same thing, to go home safely. So the next time you see someone driving irresponsibly ask yourself what could I do to ride safer.

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Billie Anders
Billie Anders
Mar 21, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

This article is 100% correct and why I generally avoid riding in groups. There is usually one in the group.

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