What do those posted speed limit signs really mean for you as a motorcyclist?

Most drivers don't want to admit it but most are driving faster than the posted speed limit. Why is this important to you as a motorcyclist? Because it can be the difference between you stopping safely or plowing into something. I've actually tried this on many roads and believe me the engineers have it down to a science. If you are traveling at the posted speed limit in town and are paying attention you can avoid almost anything. Going around a curve with a posted speed limit of 25 mph will allow you to stop if a car is coming out of a side street. Go around that same curve at 45 mph and you might not be so lucky. This is where a lot of accidents are occurring.
Posted speed refers to the maximum speed limit posted on a section of highway using the regulatory sign. Maximum speed limits are posted on most of the roadways. According to the law you may not drive faster than is reasonably safe for road conditions, regardless of the posted speed limit. Thus, it is not always lawful to drive as fast as the posted speed limit.
Speed limits are set primarily to balance road traffic safety concerns with the effect on travel time and mobility. Speed limits are also sometimes used to reduce consumption of fuel or in response to environmental concerns (e.g. to reduce vehicle emissions or fuel use). Typically, the prevailing speed is what traffic engineers use to determine what the official speed limit should be on any given road. Speed limits are set using the speed of which 85% of traffic flows. Studies show that this 85th percentile is the safest speed level.
In effect most posted speed limits are for the best case scenario but most states adhere to this rule. “No person shall drive a vehicle upon a highway at a speed greater than is reasonable or prudent having due regard for weather, visibility, the traffic on, and the surface and width of, the highway, and in no event at a speed which endangers the safety of persons."
Have fun and be safe.