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Out of order

Writer: New Motorcycle RidersNew Motorcycle Riders

Am I learning to ride properly?

Learning the right things at the wrong time is just as bad as not learning at all.

We see and hear a lot of people giving opinions and advice. Some good, some bad. But we also see good advice given at the wrong time. Can you learn how to ride in a different order, yes. But should you? We created a chart showing the ideal order in which you should learn to ride.

New Motorcycle Riders

Motorcycle Learning Chart

1) Knowledge Test: Our New Rider Course. This should come before you even think of getting on a motorcycle. If you don’t know the basic knowledge of the road and motorcycle functions then you don’t belong on the road. This isn’t said to make anyone feel bad or to insult anyone. It’s for your safety and everyone around you safety. Also, those lives you will affect like family and friends.

2) Motorcycle Function Test: Now that you know the basic knowledge of the road and motorcycles, you now need to be familiar with the machine you are about to ride. You need to be familiar with the controls and their location. The controls are different depending on the make and model motorcycle you are about to ride so know where everything is. Bad things can happen quick so be familiar with how to get your motorcycle under control.

3) Riding Skills Practice: Once steps 1 and 2 are completed and you feel comfortable, it’s time to practice riding skills in a controlled environment. This practice will give you a feel of how the motorcycle and you will react while riding. This is where you practice your stop and go’s, turns, maneuvers and other basic motorcycle skills you are most likely to incur in the real world of riding. If you have your permit, this practice can also include some street riding in low traffic areas with a skilled rider with you.

4) Road Test: Now you are ready to take your DMV road test. If you have successfully done steps 1 through 3, the road test should be a breeze. Don’t over think anything.

5) Real World Riding and Follow Up Training: Obtaining your motorcycle license doesn’t mean you are finished learning. You now need to hone your skills and depending on the type of riding you plan on doing, videos and motorcycle training courses will most likely be in your future. CRT and IRT training courses come in at this phase.

There will always be those who say I started in a different order and I did fine. Why gamble with your safety. Learning the proper way to ride from the begging will pay off in the end.

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Jun 22, 2023

Learning the proper way to ride from the begging will pay off in the end. This is the last sentence in your article! Some also need to learn to proofread their articles! IS IT BEGGING, BEGINING?

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