There is a lot of misconceptions about this and we are going to clarify some things.

Pictured is a Honda CBR 300R. Now to some older riders they immediately hear 300 and start getting images of Toys R' Us in their heads. You see back in the 70's a small displacement bike, I won't even say sport bike, was just that. If you wanted to go fast you needed something with more displacement. Spin the clock forward 40 to 50 years and things are much different now. Make no mistake, a bigger displacement sport bike of today will most likely make more power than the smaller displacement bikes of today but the smaller displacement bike of today has far exceeded the bigger displacement bikes of yesteryear. There is an old saying, There is no replacement for displacement. That's not true, time can replace displacement. This article is primarily geared around sport bikes and you will also hear the argument about horsepower to weight ratio, but that's for another article. So the next time you look over and see a smaller displacement bike, remember they have grown up. Have fun, be safe.