My response to those who question why I ride.

If you ride a motorcycle at some point you will hear things like, why do you ride a motorcycle? You're gonna get killed on that. What about your family. Your spouse let's you ride? These dumb questions usually come from people who have never even ridden a motorcycle. Now I understand there concerns, but the choice is mines and they should respect that.
Maybe you've run into the people that like to spit out statistics. You know the ones who are always spewing stats of how motorcycles are more dangerous than cars and you're more likely to get hurt or killed on one. What they don't say or know is that most motorcycle accidents are the motorcyclist fault. I can't ride for everyone else, but I can ride for myself. If I am a safe rider who obeys the laws of the road and practice being safe, the odds of me getting into an accident is the same as anything else in life, plus I'm enjoying myself.
I cannot be responsible for the riders who drive in excess of the speed limit or those who cut in between cars, perform stunts and or drink and do drugs then get on their motorcycle. They made bad choices and some paid the price. You see, I as a rider am well aware of this. I don't need to hear about every motorcycle accident that happened no more than you need me to tell you about every car accident.
Recently I was reading an article about a woman who died after being impaled by a beach umbrella on a windy day. It was a very unfortunate incident but we don't stop going to the beach. This isn't to make light of the dangers of motorcycling only to point out that dangers exist everywhere.
So the next time you want to make a comment to a motorcyclist just say be safe, they would appreciate that and it may also make them think twice before doing something reckless.
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