Knowing the differences on repairing your motorcycle.

There is a lot of debate on this but let's keep it simple. There are only three ways to repair your motorcycle. They are:
The right way
The wrong way
The half a$% way
I would not tell anyone to get their motorcycle repaired any other way than number one. It's for your safety, other people's safety and to prevent unnecessary and costly repairs down the road. This is where it get's tricky.
Now for number two, the wrong way. People who tend to do this do it because they are guessing and or they have done it like that before and nothing went horribly wrong for them so they feel like it was the right way.
And for the final one, the half a$% way. These people have been told the proper way but just don't want to spend that kind of money. They know what they are doing is a hack but it fits within their budget range. Sometimes hacks are good to get you to safety so that you can get it repaired properly but it's never the right way to repair anything.
A good mechanic can answer your questions and explain to you what is going on and why it needs to be repaired or replaced. Be careful of mechanics that can't explain what is going on or what it is they are doing.
This is just a short guide to help new riders when seeking repairs for their motorcycle. Have fun, be safe.