Author: Viking Bags
If you are planning your solo road trip where you can enjoy wilderness while making sure that you are fully enjoying isolation, there is no place better than North Dakota. According to the land area, North Dakota is pretty big; however, the low population makes it look almost deserted. North Dakota is known to be the land of flickertail because you will find so many different flickertail ground squirrels here. Another important thing is that North Dakota is known for its great plains. These plains make it ideal for some of the best motorcycle routes. In fact, most people already have North Dakota on their bucket list while others are planning to find the best routes that can help them explore the best and most scenic places that North Dakota has to offer.
With the help of this article, we will mainly look at the things that will help you plan your trip. We will explore some of the routes that you must add to your trip, things that you should carry with you as well as ways to cater to accidental situations and injury.

Plan the Destinations to Visit
North Dakota is filled with so many different scenic views and destinations that you have to make sure that you know about all the destinations. Although most people just want to reach the destination, sometimes the route is so beautiful that you no longer have to passionately weigh for the destination. Filled with some of the best routes that are lined with greenery, wildlife, waterways as well as naturally scenic views, you will get to enjoy North Dakota in the best possible way.
Some of the places you must add to your list include Killdeer Mountain Four Bears Scenic Byway, Standing Rock National Native American Scenic Byway, Old Red Old Ten Scenic Byway, Sakakawea Scenic Byway, Des Lacs National Wildlife Refuge Scenic Backway, and more.
Apart from these byways, you must also consider other destinations and routes as well. Some of the best routes that you should explore while on the way include:
Some of the best places that you must add to your list might include Enchanted Highway, Rusty the Turtle, Tommy the Turtle, W’eel Turtle as well as Wahpper the Catfish, World’s Largest Buffalo and Wheat Monument.

How to Make Your Trip Safer?
Making your trip safer means you will have to know when and where you will exert your time. From making your motorcycle ready for the trip to packing things that you will require on your way, you need to be very careful about all the things that you have to do. Here are some of the basic steps that will get you ready for the trip:
· State by preparing your motorcycle, which means you need to look at its maintenance so it doesn’t betray you when you are traveling.
· Start by changing the oil and its filters
· Make sure the fuel and air filters are working properly
· Check the oil and make sure brake cables and throttle work fine
· Check the air pressure in tires, also, if you are taking your motorcycle out during the winters get snow tires that will offer enough traction.
· Make sure to adjust and lube the chain for better traveling
· Take your motorcycle out for a test run to see if there are any broken or damaged parts that you need to fix. Also, make sure the lights, signals, and horns are working perfectly fine.

Safety Gears to Buy
Most people highly rely on the safety gear that they already have. Although if you have everything already you might not need too many things. However, if you don’t have all the safety gears make sure to purchase them.
· You will need the rain gear which includes rain boots, a rain jacket as well a windshield
· Make sure to carry a tire repair kit to avoid flat tires along the way
· Bring a tool kit for minor fault fixing
· Bring an extra jacket and cover-ups as well
· Make sure to bring along a water bottle, energy drinks, and some snacks.

Keep Track Of the Weather
While visiting North Dakota you need to keep in mind that just the scenic view is not enough. You have to keep in mind that while riding your motorcycle you will be directly riding under the sun. You will sweat a lot if it’s hot and you will shiver if it’s too cold. This means that before planning your journey you will have to know about the weather as well. The weather in North Dakota is a little chilly. Throughout the year, the weather is pretty average which means you will get warm summers that are not very hot. However, in winters the weather will get freezing cold with extreme snow and wind. According to the average temperature, you will get somewhere between 4 to 83 °F. However, if the weather gets extreme you might see it falling between -18°F and 93°F.

Bottom Line
To sum it all up, North Dakota offers a good view and has very good weather. However, weather conditions can get extreme sometimes so you have to keep in mind that without planning everything you might never be able to enjoy the trip properly. Before you start planning, look at the weather for the next few days and look at the average traffic as well. This will help you plan out the route. Then you should look at the destinations you want to visit and where you will be staying. Finally, you have to keep in mind that there are a few routes that are much safer than others so you can avoid any possible risk of an accident. Also, keep in mind that you can only reduce the risk of an accident but you can never completely eradicate the chance so you have to see things that will eventually impact the accident. Also, keep all the emergency numbers with you at all times and know when you will call someone.
Visit Viking Bags,
It is unclear who wrote this article! It has some good points, but some information is really not clear! Are you riding offroad or a highway runner! Each require different demands on the rider and on the bike and a different bike! One simple statement was about carrying a fix-a-flat kit! Carrying the kit doesn't stop you from having a flat tire! You need to know how to use the kit! Some riders have no idea and will argue about placing a tire plug in a tire! OMG!!! Some will jump to say the most dangerous thing to ever do is to plug a motorcycle tire! Well Folks you have 2 choices! Fix it or walk! My opinion, w…