Why wait for your vulnerabilities to show before taking action.

A common phrase I hear sometimes from riders is " It never happened to me" This is true until it does happen to you. If you're lucky you'll live to talk about it if it's related to an accident. Most people don't realize it but they are more lucky than they are good. This does not mean don't practice or prepare yourself to be a better motorcyclist it merely means the more we practice or prepare for the worse the luckier we are. No one is immune from bad things happening so don't get the mindset that you are.
But I've also heard people making this statement regarding their property. I know people that leave expensive helmets and jackets on their motorcycles when they leave and then tell other riders they have been all over the country and theirs nothing to worry about, I never had any problems or anyone try to take them. I ask, do you really need someone to take your helmet or jacket that could be worth hundreds of dollars just to prove to you that no one or place is immune from theft? A lot of theft is usually a crime of opportunity, decrease the opportunity and you can decrease your chances of becoming a victim.
Obviously there are risks to riding a motorcycle so let's not increase the risks. Continually train and practice and always take the necessary precautions to prevent being a victim.

Great post