I see riders doing this all the time.
Don't be a Mr. or Mrs. Know It All. They usually start out with, I've been riding for blah, blah, blah and I blah, blah, blah know what I'm talking about and everyone loves my advice and you need to know how dangerous motorcycles are in order to ride blah, blah, blah. Stop! These people let their egos and attitudes ride for them and get cockier everyday because misfortune hasn't caught up to them yet because when it does, you usually don't hear from them anymore.
Look, you already made the decision to ride and you knew it had risks when you decided. Enough said. Now let's learn how to do this the safest way possible. I've always been a hands on kind of person. Videos are good but sometimes you just need someone to talk to you and not at you. There's no race to learn so go at your own pace. Remember, there isn't a mistake you can make that someone hasn't already made. Have fun, be safe.
