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Confessions of a seasoned rider: Part 3

Writer: NMRNMR

Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks.

Being a rider of many years you become accustom to what you're use to. Not that it's a bad thing, but it closes your mind off to newer options. I for one always liked the freedom associated with motorcycling and felt anything intruding on that would lessen my motorcycling experience. It took many years for me to come around to having a stereo on a motorcycle. The thought of having a bluetooth communicator was definitely out of the question for me. I always thought, why would I want to talk to anyone while I'm riding? As an experienced rider I considered it a distraction at best. Although I may be set in some old ways I'm not totally closed minded. Remember when the automobile was first created there were plenty of people that didn't like them and preferred to ride a horse. Well obviously we have all come around to the fact that a car is more practical than a horse and also faster.

One day I was sitting around and looking at some motorcycling accessories when I came across some bluetooth equipped helmets so I figured why not check them out. After going through my normal negative reactions to them I actually saw some benefits to them. Now you also have to remember I was the guy who was also against riding apps and GPS but look where we are today.

So after some consideration I decided to ask some friends that ride and have bluetooth enabled helmets a few questions. All the time I was looking at the negative aspects of these communicators and never once thought about the positive side. I tend to ride alone a lot. Not because there isn't anyone to ride with, it's just my schedule and timing. Being someone who rides alone a lot if you were ever in an accident you could summons help via your bluetooth helmet. You could also get up to date weather information plus GPS voice directions. As I thought about it these features did make riding safer so there were pretty good benefits to having one.

In conclusion, I have decided to make one of these helmets my next addition to my motorcycle accessory list. As with anything you need to know your limitations and use proper care but in all motorcycle will continue to evolve and as riders we should too.



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