I write these articles not because I like to write, but because I want to help you. Motorcycles are an endorsement to a drivers license so it's safe to say that everyone who rides a motorcycle also drives a car. So why do some motorcyclist have such anger and hatred towards people who drive cars, don't they? Anyone who can honestly say they have never seen a motorcyclist driving like a jerk either doesn't see a lot of motorcycles or isn't being honest with themselves. Newsflash! Cars also pull in front of other cars and hit pedestrians so I don't think motorists are just focusing on making a motorcyclists day bad. I'm pretty positive that everyone here has done something either by accident or intentional to anger another motorist or motorcyclist.
When you signed up to be a motorcyclist you signed up for everything, good and bad. That's why we stress building confidence to gain the skills that you will need to be safe and prevent accidents. This is gonna hurt but if you are not going to take any responsibility of your own actions when riding a motorcycle then I suggest you don't get on it because you are an accident waiting to happen. Motorcycling is both offensive and defensive so do your part. Trust me as a motorcyclist it is in your best interest to do this, the odds are not in our favor. Have fun and be safe.