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Brake checks, the bad kind.

Writer: NMRNMR

They're out there. People who will brake check you so be aware.

Brake checks. This has got to be the dumbest emotional response you could possibly do in a vehicle. I see people doing it to semi's, you're going to win that one, cars, motorcycles, etc. It's dangerous, could get you or someone else hurt or killed and let's not forget it's illegal in most places that I know. Why is this exceptionally bad for motorcyclist? Because no one likes the prospect of running into a stationary object at any speed. It's really bad for motorcyclist because fear will kick in an one of the first responses a motorcyclist will do is grab a hand full of front brake. That is one of the quickest ways to wash out a frontend on a motorcycle and go sliding under the vehicle in front of you. This is easier said than done but stay calm. Most people who do this will get off the brake and continue on without you getting close enough to make contact. The best thing you can do is recognize these people before it happens. If someone is tailgating you and then speeds past you, be prepared for this or if you had a confrontation with someone and they go to past you, again, be alert. I actually had this happen to me once in NY. It was a dark blue Dodge Charger. You don't forget the car when it happens to you. You have people who speed past other vehicles and brake check them with a passenger in the rear seat taking a picture of your, I'm going to die face. They think this is a joke. A prank done by primarily the younger crowd. So if you see a car speed past you with a person in the rear window looking at you with a camera or phone, watch out. Have fun, be safe.


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