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A motorcycle rider's diary excerpt.

Writer: NMRNMR

A seasoned rider looks back over the years of riding and what he's learned from it.

As a seasoned rider I can't tell you what to do but I can tell you why you may not want to do it because the decisions you make will affect a lot more people than just you. I have probably made every mistake you have ever made and then some. I'm thankful I am here today to tell you this because there were a lot of decisions in my past that I really wish I could do over but fortunately I'm here to tell the tale.

I didn't really get sound advice because the majority of people who were giving me advice had never even rode a motorcycle and all they had to offer was some gruesome details of accidents from other motorcyclist. I had people telling me about accidents and gruesome stories when what I really wanted was advice on how not to become the next gruesome story. You see, my mind was already made up. You could either give me words of encouragement or you could try to sabotage my confidence, the choice is yours. People mistake me not wanting to talk about other unfortunate riders as a sign that I don't know what the dangers are. Everyday I carry those thoughts in my head like an anchor on a ship. Of course I'm afraid of dying but I'm more afraid of not living.

Today a car pulled out into my line of travel. I gently braked an maneuvered away from the vehicle and continued on my travels safely. It wasn't the horror stories that prepared me for that event, it was my training and practice. That's what I learned to rely on for when those days do happen.

I would try to explain to you what I feel when I ride but I can't. It's something that you would need to experience for yourself. It's freedom, peace of mind and therapy all rolled up into one.

As I pull into the garage I'm thankful for another non eventful day. As I walk away from my motorcycle I take a look back at it and just nod to let my motorcycle know that I can't wait for the next day to ride.



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