A fraction of a second can determine the rest of your life. Ride smart.

All too often I read articles about bad incidents that didn't have to be. It usually starts out somebody did something that upset another person which then snowballs into a chain of events which don't always turn out good for either party. Riding a motorcycle is offensive and defensive. Park your emotions when operating a motorcycle. Actually parking your emotions in a lot of situations is probably for your own good.
Recently I read an article involving a motorist and a motorcyclist that ended bad for all parties involved. If one or both parties had controlled their emotions, a young woman would be alive today.
In this incident a young woman struck a motorcyclist with her car. It was said to have been intentional but the facts involving what lead up to that occurring were unclear at this time. Either way it obviously was a minor accident because the rider was unhurt and he pursued the driver on his motorcycle after the driver left the scene. The motorcyclist along with his group of riders followed this young woman several miles to her where she pulled into her driveway. The group of motorcyclist also pulled into her driveway and the motorcyclist who was struck proceeded to call the police. While the motorcyclist was on the phone the young female driver of the car came from inside her home brandishing a firearm. The motorcyclist who was also carrying a legal firearm then drew his gun and fired at the woman killing her and her unborn child.
Now some will say it was justified on the motorcyclist part because he was faced with an armed individual, others will say she was justified in pulling a firearm on a group of motorcyclist whom she may have considered a hostile threat on her property. Either way two people are dead and another will face a legal challenge which will cost a lot of money to defend. What you don't see is the family members who also will suffer from this. The unborn child's father and family, the motorcyclist family and friends. Your emotional response just doesn't affect you, it affects a lot of people.
This incident didn't have to occur but it did because of two bad attitudes. This could of been handle so many different ways but it's too late for that now. The moral of this is don't let your emotions become the pilot of your motorcycle. Stay calm and in control at all times and live to see another riding day.